Sunday, June 10, 2012

My first week as Mister Mom

Jenny went back to work on Monday, and I am back on leave for a few weeks.  I am Mister Mom!

Naomi and I had a pretty fun week together.  Wenley loved it - I run her around more than Actual Mom, I think.  It started out to be a pretty normal week.  I read her books like Tickle Monster, which comes with monster gloves.


Then Naomi spit up over my shoulder in a way that looked too much like bird poop for my tastes.
So I decided to spike her milk with some Mountain Dew and see what would happen.  And things got a little crazy!

I had Naomi help me with the laundry.  I told her she can wear a blue monster shirt instead of a pink dress.  Girls can be monsters, too!

 Being Mr. Mom even made me look like I was lactating - Let Down!

 I had Naomi help me with the grocery shopping...
I taught her the virtues of double fisting, and let her pass out in mama's sock drawer.  

Then we went to the porch and waited for mom to drive home from work, pretending like it had just been a normal day.  The Cat In The Hat would be proud.

All in all, a fun week together!  And we are all still alive!


  1. Make it into a book! Will be on the NY times best seller list. Naomi is getting cuter by the day. Josh's beard is getting longer by the day! Looks like Naomi is willing to go with flow. Just don't close the sock drawer

  2. Looks like you had a busy and fun time together SUPER DAD! Great story...great pictures..!

  3. Looks like you've got this Mr. Mom thing down. I'll have to remember the spiking the kids' drinks with Mt. Dew for one of those days in the summer when we're super bored.

  4. Love it. And I agree - write a book!

  5. So cute! Wonder how long the beard will get before you have time to shave?

  6. I don't get how Naomi can look so big and so little at the same time.

  7. Awesome! So well written and so fun to read! I agree with Howard! Looks like you have some book writing in your future. ;) Congrats on a GREAT first week as Mr. Mom. *hugs to all*
