Friday, June 29, 2012

Back to Blogging!

The blog has been pretty quiet lately!  I went back to work a month ago and left the blogging to Josh while he was home with Naomi.  Josh decided he was about quality not quantity so posted one very funny 'Mister Mom' blog and then left everyone wanting more!  Today, Josh went back to work so we're going to do our best to keep up with the blog now that Naomi has two working parents.  Here's an update of Naomi has been up to over the past month:

Visit with Savta and Papa:
Here are a few pictures from a fun weekend with Savta and Papa.

Baby's best friend:
Naomi LOVES dogs and unlike Wenley, Beasley doesn't mind when Naomi pulls her fur!

Base Camp:
Naomi will start child care at Clif "Base Camp" on Monday.  We took her there a couple of times this week so she (or more honestly, WE) could get used to the environment before we leave her for the entire day.  She was super excited about all the new toys and especially liked chewing on the foam floor mat.  Here's a photo of her 'transitioning' to Base Camp.

Major Milestone!
Naomi rolled from her front onto her back on 6/21.  We haven't been able to capture this on video yet but will post an update once we do!

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