Thursday, April 12, 2012

Mom's Group

I joined a mom's group in my neighborhood a couple of months ago and it's been great getting to know other moms with babies the same age as Naomi.  The women have already been a great source of support and a few of us without family in the area are even talking about doing a babysitting swap to enable us to get out on a date now and then with our husbands! 

While our group meetings have officially ended, we still get together twice a week to get out of the house and give us a chance to connect.  On Mondays, we typically walk in the Piedmont Cemetary (sounds creepy, but it's really beautiful and nice to walk someplace with no cars) and on Thursdays, we meet at a bakery.  Here are a couple of pictures from our excursion:

1 comment:

  1. That is really great a chance to get out and be a fantatic support for each other. The baby sitting is a great system. You just keep track of everyone's hours
    Looks like the weather is getting nicer
